Movie: Manufacturing Consent – Noam Chomsky (1992)

Thought control in a democratic society.

The corporations control the Government

The corporations control the Media

The Media manipulates your opinion of both the corporations and the government, so that you don’t want to change either, or change the way things are.

167 minutes  ( 2 hours 47 minutes )

Collapse (2009) Mike Rupert, Directed by Thom Powers



Mike  Rupert explains peak oil and it’s connections to peak population and the general instability of and oil based world.

A personal, sometimes intimate interview, with some archive footage to help explain some concepts and parts of history.

Mike’s solution: grow your own food, disconnect from oil and get to know your neighbors.

Political correctness: What you need to know.

It seems that political correctness has its roots in Marxism. Critical theory is just  criticism without actually offering a solution because the solution (unspoken) is to destroy everything and replace it with Marxism.

having failed to get support from the working classes they turned to minority groups and academia to get support and created the language of political correctness.

Did you ever wonder what kind of politics the language was correct to?

Whats wrong with Marxism? Well Marx never had a job in his life so what exactly could he know about labor and economics?

Marxism has failed numerous times as an economic/political model because ultimately it’s an inefficient form of fascism.

Other forms of fascism are more efficient, not that it makes them inherently more justified, just better at distributing wealth and rewarding useful work.

It’s interesting to talk to people who use a lot of politically correct language in order to sound educated or intelligent, often quite quickly in a debate they become completely lost because their ideas have very little in in-depth analysis to them. They have simply not thought about what they have been told and rely on the flimsy arguments they were given and assume a theory (unproven) is a fact.


A theory is not a fact, and political correctness seems to be Marxism in disguise, that is a theory.

Movie: How to hack the human brain

This is an interesting movie.

A clever mash up of short film segments to explain a few important points. Hopefully some of it will be familiar.

Contains footage of animal and human cruelty!

It starts with the ways people can be conditioned to act, even against their own better judgement.

The Solomon Ash experiment.

Normative conformity, the pressure to conform is stronger than the desire to state your own belief, the fundamental flaw in open outcry democracy.

People can feel pressured into doing things that they think are wrong

It follows on to the conclusion we are all simply being farmed, just like the way we farm animals and plants.

I have looked into how long this has been going on and as far as I can tell this happened this started with the first societies that developed settled agriculture in the fertile crescent.

It seems that not long after people started farming they themselves became farmed.

I guess its not such a large logical leap to put a fence around a cow and ‘own’ it than to put a fence around the farmer and ‘own’ the farmer.

Further on it talks of political systems as being nothing more than farm management systems.

We end with the premise that only option for a human society is one based on the non aggression principle, fairness and voluntary participation. Which I think sounds reasonable, but what would such a society look like and operate?

The great Global Warming swindle

I’m sure this will be controversial, but it shouldn’t be.

The inconvenient truth is that the data must be false.

What kind of chart is that? Any vertical line through a temperature chart should cross the charted line only once, as at any point in time, there is only one temperature at that given point in time.

This chart is phony just like the guy standing in front of it.

The following chart is however real.

World average temperature 1997-2012

Where is the global warming?

The fundamental point is earths dynamic systems are self correcting ( homeostatic),  runaway processes are the exception. The sun determines the temperature on earth.

385 ppm CO2 total

15ppm  contributed by people’s activities.

10,000-40,000 ppm H2O

Remember this a thermal effect not a chemical effect on the green house effect.

[CFC’s which we don’t really hear about anymore, have a chemical effect on ozone and it is a chain reaction ( a reaction occurring many time over).]

CO2  reflects some heat back but is unchanged in the process, and the human contribution is only 4% of the naturally produced CO2.

The more CO2 there is the more plants are able to absorb it also.

Global warming deniers are right wingers who know nothing about science and are just protecting their fortunes.

Actually the the opposite:

(Certainly in any policy change there are going to be winners and losers, and some potential losers are quite strident in their denials of global warming, but there are some big winners too like Al Gore.)

Dr David Bellamy: Well known Botanist and environmentalist says there is no global warming.

Al Gore: Ultra wealthy former politician promotes global warming and make enormous money from it.

A letter he [Dr David Bellamy] published on 16 April 2005 in New Scientist asserted that a large percentage (555 of 625) of the glaciers being observed by the World Glacier Monitoring Service were advancing, not retreating.

Previously Dr Bellamy supported Global warming, but he started to see the facts were not adding up. He has now predicted 30 years of cooler weather. How does he know this? He understands global temperature is influenced by solar heat output, which is influenced by cyclical variations in the suns intensity, i.e the sunspot cycle.

The whole global warming scam is because the status quo don’t want to run out of oil just yet, so they want us to use less and pay more for it (and feel bad for using it).

Use less and pay more is a very old trick from fascism’s play book. Ration books anyone? Oh wait we had a choice of cap and trade (ration book) or a…

Carbon tax.

I.e. a tax on  producing carbon dioxide, a tax on breathing.

Look at how they are spending carbon tax money already: they  are wasting it.

This is yet another tax to prop up a failing economic paradigm. a way for central bank to print even more money and let you have even less of it by taking it back off you.

You have been lied to by the global warming advocates, look back at some of their earlier predictions.

If  atmospheric CO2 is a result of burning fossil fuel it’s not really a problem as we are running out of fossil fuel anyway.

Which brings me to…

I remember the first book I read at school as a young child.

Chicken little. AKA Henny penny.

Chicken Little. Golden book edition cover circa 1960.

With it’s simple story and repetition of the character names it was a good place to start learning how to read. But more fundamentally it warns of using false logic and dangerous speculative projection based on failed logic to spread panic among your community. It was only when the wisest member of the community was told of the story, that the panic subsided. A nice way to show the axiom in science that one right answer has more weight than many wrong answers.

In one of the several variants of the story an unscrupulous fox takes advantage of the fear of the group and kills and eats them all.

The story is a modern retelling of  many similar stories going back over 2500 years.  Do you really believe the sky is falling? This story is older than Jesus, and people seem to be forgetting it; to their detriment.

For anyone that’s into Buddhism, its part of Buddhist teachings.

Coastal property scares.

Another bonus  of the global warming scam is they are scaring people away from coastal property claiming the sea will rise and wash them away, whereas in the future, many people will need to live close to the sea as it is an abundant food source.

Historically many peoples have lived from food gathered from the sea. The sea is rich in phosphorus and water  where as in many places these two substances must be added to the land to promote good harvests. this is especially true in Australia, how exactly are we planning to add phosphorus to the land in a post cheap oil world? Wouldn’t it make more sense to live close to the sea? The Status quo want to tax you for breathing and scare you away from the sea so they can use your money to buy up all the good coastal property and live next to the one of the best post peak oil food sources the sea.

Having lived for a long period of my life on a coastal property, I saw the sand dunes wash away and then be rebuilt by different cycles of storm and calm in the ocean and weather. Even as I saw it happen over multiple decade length cycles, there would occasionally be a ‘sky is falling’ opinion, then along time resident with much gray hair would set the record straight: they saw it come and go, and come again.

So is your sky falling or is it just an acorn?

more reading?–Cycle-25-need-worry-NASA-scientists-right-Thames-freezing-again.html

The world more likely to be colder in the future. Interestingly the mainstream media didn’t want to run the story until it had a prediction of doom attached.

we survived these cool periods in the past, we will again in the future.

Main Stream Media: Puppets

If you ever needed to prove the nagging feeling inside that the mainstream media might be all puppets spouting the same story they are told to, rather than finding out the truth for themselves…this will probably settle it for you.

Just a minute an a half of your time.

When they report (almost verbatim) the exact same phrase, you know they were reading off the same page. Question is, who provided the page?

The Matrix: an Allegory

I think just about everyone has seen this movie and it has some very interesting allegories in it. Perhaps it’s ‘The Wizard of OZ of our time’.

Our protagonist has the feeling things are quite as they seem, and begins searching for answers. After a while he is given the option of finding out the truth or giving up his quest forever.

This is the red pill or blue pill scene.

Neo decides between the red and blue pills. The Matrix 1999

After deciding to take the red pill to discover the truth, he wakes up to quite a surprise. He is naked hard wired into in a personalized vat of refined oil having been asleep all his life. There are countless thousands all around him asleep in  dark, mechanical, sterile world in similar vats. Enormous quantities of energy are being extracted from them as they slumber unaware that they are being treated as slaves, little batteries in a giant machine which functions primarily to create an illusion they will accept.

Sound familiar anyone?

I’ll go through it a piece at a time.

red pill/blue pill

Neo decides to take the red pill. The Matrix 1999.

Would you take an unknown pill offered to you by people you barely knew? Probably not, it requires a great deal of trust. You have to trust a person, for them to tell you a truth that you are willing to believe. You must have trust to join a community or travel on a great journey. Sometimes you just have to show you are serious, and willing to take risks to prove it. You will eventually reach a point of no return ,where you have to decide whether you are going to continue or turn back and give up. Every now and then in life you will reach one of these fork in the road moments and they can be monumental.

Neo wakes up realizing he’s been bathing in oil oblivious to the fact he’s been exploited and imprisoned his whole life. The Matrix 1999.

Wakes up covered in refined Oil. look around you look at how many thing you can see could never have existed without oil, cheap oil no less, you food your clothes the device you are reading this from or the paper its printed on. its all Oil you are literally bathed in it, yet you have never seen it. Well until now.

Wakes up naked wired into a personalized vat. we are all living in our own exceptionally individualistic worlds. We are wired into a machine, the Internet, the electric grid, the food networks, laws, society, jobs. We are naked because we have nothing to protect us because we are so vulnerable without the matrix are wired into.Slaves own no possessions, not even clothes.

Wakes up having been asleep all his life. The dream is over and reality sets in, it has all been an illusion nothing prior to this moment was real. Life actually starts at this moment. the change in surrounds is as profound as night and day, sleep and awake.

Countless thousands are around him asleep. The sleep he has woken from is a spell not many have broken so far. So many are still living in a an illusionary word enjoying their matrix. theres seems no obvious way to awaken them.

Enormous quantities of energy are being extracted. People working for  debt based fiat currency don’t realize they are slaves. Everything of value is being extracted from them and they just don’t seem to realize they are the only thing of value in the world. The world they live in could not function without them. If they just woke up, they could be free.

Neo having awoken turns to see many other people still locked in the matrix. The Matrix 1999

Neo having awoken turns to see many other people still locked in the matrix. The Matrix 1999

This scene from the movie was part of the inspiration for me naming this blog ‘Drenched In Oil’. You are drenched in oil, wake up, it’s not the real world you have been living in.

Power Trip

A very interesting film about the former soviet state of Georgia undergoing an economic transition (from communism to capitalism)

It documents a power struggle both politically and electrically and the way people dealt with it on a day to day basis.

I’m attempting to find a better source.

The directors cut (AKA DVD extras) contains one persons story of a little homestead out of the main city that was quite a lifeline.

Interestingly, the elites who already had wealth, were trying to kill each other in their ‘power trip’, whereas the poorest people weren’t.


And just 6 short years after making this film Americans seem to be suffering from a similar economic transition (from capitalism to kleptocracy).

Perhaps Tbilisi was just an experiment in how far people could be pushed on electricity prices, and how to deal with how they respond.